VITAMIN H, also known as biotin, is a water-soluble vitamin of the B vitamin group that plays a key role in metabolic processes such as fatty acid synthesis, gluconeogenesis and amino acid metabolism. Below are the properties and health benefits of vitamin H and its sources.

Properties and health benefits of vitamin H:

Supporting skin, hair and nail health: Biotin is essential for the proper functioning of the body and is involved in the formation of keratin, the main building protein of skin, hair and nails. Proper biotin levels affect skin elasticity and firmness, as well as hair and nail health.

Blood sugar regulation. Can help maintain normal blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes.

Supporting nervous system function: Biotin participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that affect nervous system function and mood and memory.

Supporting metabolism. Plays a key role in metabolic processes such as fatty acid synthesis, gluconeogenesis and amino acid metabolism.

Sources of vitamin H:

  • liver
  • eggs (yolk)
  • yeast
  • fish
  • seafood
  • milk and dairy products
  • Nuts (e.g., almonds, hazelnuts)
  • Seeds (e.g., flaxseed, sunflower seeds)
  • vegetables (e.g. broccoli, spinach, yams)

Dosage: 100 mcg per day.