VANAD is a chemical element with the symbol V, which is classified as a micronutrient. It is present in small amounts in living organisms, but plays important roles in various biological processes.
Properties and occurrence of vanadium:
Vanadium is a metal with antioxidant properties, meaning that it can neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals. It is also a component of certain enzymes involved in the body’s biochemical transformations.
Vanadium occurs naturally in soil, water and air, as well as in some foods. Its main dietary sources are:
- seafood
- mushrooms
- whole grain products
- legumes
- soybean oil
The role of vanadium in human health:
Although vanadium is needed in very small amounts, it plays important roles in the body. Here are some of them:
Blood glucose regulation – vanadium can affect the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which can contribute to maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
Supporting the skeletal system – studies indicate that vanadium may affect bone mineralization, which may contribute to maintaining a healthy and strong skeleton.
Protecting the heart – vanadium may benefit the cardiovascular system, including by lowering LDL cholesterol (the so-called “bad” cholesterol) and supporting blood vessel function.
Nervous system support – vanadium can affect the function of nerve cells, which is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Antioxidant activity – vanadium can neutralize free radicals, which helps protect the body from damage and accelerates cell regeneration.
Vanadium deficiency and excess:
Vanadium deficiency is rare, but can lead to problems with glucose metabolism, the skeletal system or nervous system function. Excess vanadium is also rare, but can be harmful to the body, causing gastrointestinal disorders, liver damage.
Dosage: about 10-30 micrograms per day for adults.