Ruscus , also known as Ruscus aculeatus, is a plant of the asparagus family, native to the Mediterranean region. Traditionally, it is used in natural medicine, especially in the treatment of vein diseases, such as varicose veins, leg swelling or hemorrhoids. The main active substance in ruscus is ruscogenin, which has anti-inflammatory, venous and vascular sealing properties.

Here’s how it works:

  • Improvement of circulation. Ruscus has a venous effect, which means that it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Improving blood circulation and reducing swelling.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Ruskogenin has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help relieve inflammation associated with blood vessel diseases.
  • Vascular sealing: Ruscus can help seal blood vessels and reduce their permeability, which contributes to better cardiovascular function.

Importance for the diet:

Ruscus has no direct effect on diet. Can be used as a dietary supplement aimed at supporting the health of blood vessels and improving circulation. It can be especially beneficial for people suffering from varicose veins, leg swelling or hemorrhoids.

Dosage: 50-150 mg of ruscogenin per day.