ETHYL ESTER OF TYROSINE – is a form of the amino acid tyrosine that has been esterified to increase its bioavailability. Esterification is a type of chemical reaction. It consists in adding an alcohol ester to increase the absorption of the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine ethyl ester has a much stronger effect than the basic form of free amino acid. Tyrosine is a precursor to many key neurotransmitters, including dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are fundamental to the body as a whole. They are responsible for almost all physical and mental functions.

Dopamine belongs to catecholamines and has a function both in emotional processes and in muscle coordination and hormone production. The hormone norepinephrine is released in response to stress-causing events. It affects the circulatory system (accelerates heart rate, narrows peripheral arteries, dilates coronary vessels), as well as metabolic processes (increases glycogenolysis, lipolysis). Metabolic rate is one of the many things that tyrosine can affect, due to its effect on thyroid hormone levels. which is also a precursor of thyroid hormones.

Dosage: 500 to 2000 mg per day.