MAGNESIUM AMINO ACID CHELATE – as a result of magnesium chelation, a substance known as magnesium amino acid chelate is formed. Chelation involves the coupling of a metallic element with a weak organic acid, in this case an amino acid. The roles of magnesium include,, involvement in energy processes. It is needed to provide muscle cells with adequate levels of ATP. Magnesium also plays a role in other functions as well. This element helps to preserve the structure and function of chromosomes, nucleic acids and bones. It also participates in the process of protein synthesis and acts as an activator for a large number of enzymes.
Contributes to the improvement of contractility of muscle fibers. Plays an extremely important role in the process of maintaining the integrity of cell membranes. It also works when transmitting nerve impulses. Magnesium deficiency can cause a decrease in tolerance to stress, irritability, sleep problems, water-electrolyte disorders, arrhythmia, muscle spasms and numbness of the limbs. Other symptoms include muscle spasms and arrhythmia. Ensuring an adequate supply of magnesium is very important in sports nutrition. Not only because of its role in energy-producing processes. Also because of the significant amount of magnesium that is lost by sweat. Magnesium is often consumed just before going to bed due to the tonic effect it has on the neurological system (e.g. as a component of a ZMA supplement). It can be found in various vitamin and mineral supplements, isotonic drinks, monopreparations, and keratin stacks and no-boosters.
Dosage: 100 – 500 mg per day.