6-METHYLURACIL – uracil is a chemical base that is part of RNA. Its action has strong regenerative properties for the structure of DNA and RNA. It takes care of the proper structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, preventing m.in cancer and the formation of so-called DNA construction errors. Uracil is willingly used in sports supplementation, as an additive accelerating regeneration. It has a documented effect accelerating wound healing. In turn shortens the time needed to repair microdamages in the muscles caused by training. There are also indications that it has the ability to increase protein synthesis, which can be used successfully during the period of building muscle mass. 6-methyluracil may also have a nootropic effect, supporting m.in cognitive function. In dietary supplements, it is mainly used as a component of peri-workout preparations.
Dosage: 1000 mg per day